Wednesday, April 30, 2008

4 months (give or take)

Yes, I know Cooper turned 4 months on April 20, but due to our Florida travels, pictures and doctor visit were delayed.

So today, Cooper had his 4 month well-baby visit. He now weighs 13.5 lbs and is 24.5 inches "tall". Still a fairly little guy. But he has surpassed all of the 4 month milestones, so we're quite happy about that. Of course, our "reward" was 4 shots in the leg. The poor guy is recovering in his swing now.

Here are his 4 month shots (notice the hand in the mouth - who needs a pacifier?):

Saturday, April 26, 2008


We just got back from our first airplane trip, to visit Alex's family in Florida. So much great stuff happened - here's our trip in pictures

Showing what a big boy I am in the umbrella stroller:

Getting my first bath in Grandma G's new kitchen sink- splish splash!

One burrito baby, coming up!

Meeting Aunt Alice (Grandpa's sister):

Mom, Dad and I hanging out at lunch

Meeting Aunt Arlene (Grandma's sister) and Uncle Fred at the mall

Chilling in the Florida sun

My first Passover Seder - lots of stuff involving food on this trip!

Meeting Aunt Mollie at the Seder

Don't go, Aunt Carole and Uncle Jay (Grandma's brother)

Getting a good morning lick from Sadie

Out at lunch - more food?

All this talk of food made me hungry. And thanks, but I can feed myself!

Bye Grandma and Grandpa! I can't wait for my next trip to Florida!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spoiled rotten

We're busy recovering from a week that saw Grandma G., Cousin Rita, and Uncle Scott in town. Cooper had lots of fun - went shopping, out to lunch, saw his first construction site - while being spoiled by all parties. Here are some pictures of his fun times:

Smiley baby on the play mat:
Wearing my daddy's hat:

Wearing a hat from my cousin Connor with a toy from Grandma G:

On a stream roller - how fun! (Thanks for helping me up there, Cousin Rita!)
Shopping at Tysons, cruisin' for the ladies:
Flirting with Cousin Rita in the car:
Wearing my fireman outfit:

In my backyard with Daddy and Uncle Scott:
Thanks for spoiling me, Grandma!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Family portraits

Now that everyone's getting a bit more sleep, we took some family pictures. Here are some of the better ones. (Next week we'll be in Florida, so we'll get some Gershman family pictures).

A party!

Grandma and Grandpa K threw Cooper a party to welcome him into the family. We had lots of fun (and lots of food leftover!). It was so great meeting everyone!

Me and my friend Justin hanging out

Mommy showing me off to the family

Clowning around with Daddy and Uncle Doug

Aunt Michelle chilling with me

I love being tickled!!!