Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fall fun!

Before the weather gets too cold, we have been busy enjoying the outdoors.  We went to a fall festival, and have been playing in the leaves before they disappear for the year.

Hanging out with Quinn

Hi goats!

1,2,3, JUMP!

The obligatory hay ride picture

There were plenty of slides

And a corn crib



Happy Halloween!

This year, the boys decided to go as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  They got to enjoy a Halloween party at Cooper's school, and then went trick or treating through the neighborhood (although Parker could not quite keep up with Cooper).
At a fall festival before the party

Without the masks, just two cuties

But now, with the masks...

Our two fierce boys!

Happy birthday Mom!

GG came up for a quick visit the weekend before Lorraine's birthday.  And then for Lorraine's birthday this year, Mother Nature decided to have it rain.  A lot. For many days.  So we spent most of the weekend indoors or running between rain drops. Fortunately, Lorraine's parents came down, so Grandma and Pop Pop got to have fun with everyone as well.

GG and her 3 grandsons

Yay presents!

And cake!

Driving the fire truck

Trying to stay dry

My 2 fire captains

Thanks Grandma and Pop Pop for the fun time!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

School in September

And after our summer fun, it was time for school.  Cooper started kindergarten and Parker is now a bug.  And we celebrated the Jewish holidays as well!  Whew!

Checking out his new classroom

First day of school

With bunny before going to his Bug classroom

I'm doing it all by myself!

Making edible Sukkots - yummy!

Slower August

In August, we said goodbye to our company, and hit the road instead.  We visited Grandma and PopPop's new house, and celebrated the end of summer at Dutch Wonderland.

At the sprayground

Cooper's last day at daycare

Someone did not like this ride!

But someone else did!

This is more my speed!

I'm thinking not.

Loving it.

This boat ride with Mom is totally my speed!

Loving the bumper cars.

This is perfect for me!

Getting wet at the pool

Ready to soar!

Building cars at the science center


Saying goodbye to the pool