Wednesday, April 28, 2010

B is for bowling... and bubbles!

Last weekend, we took Cooper bowling for the first time last weekend. Judging from the looks of it, we have a natural bowler on our hands. We have lots of the same pictures - oohs and ahs, cheesy smiles, and just plain excitement. And it didn't hurt that the kid's ball was orange, Cooper's favorite color. It was very cute, and a fun time for all!

We capped off the bowling fun with some bubble fun.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fun with PopPop and G.G.

G.G. and PopPop spent some quality time with Cooper during spring break.

During that time, he got a haircut...

and a lollipop!

Then he got to go to the circus, where he saw lots of animals!

Meanwhile, Mama and Dada were enjoying New Orleans!

When we were all reunited, we took some shots by our weeping cherry tree in full bloom.

Thank you for another fun visit, G.G. and PopPop!

Happy Passover!

We were lucky enough to be guests at Scott and Jodi's Passover table.

Here are the hosts of the feast, along with Jodi's sister Genny.

Cooper, Genny and Thai play cars before dinner

Pop Pop, Cooper, and G.G.

The Gershman gang!

Mama and Dada

Enjoying the Passover feast (and especially Jodi's matzoh ball soup)!

Cooper finding the afikomen

And getting his gift of coins for his bank

Mama and Cooper and the bank

Sharing a laugh after dinner

Getting ready for bed
Thanks, Aunt Jodi!

(And because we like to celebrate all holidays, here is Easter morning)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Play time

Now that spring is here, we've been able to get back outside and play! What fun!

Showing off that cheesy smile at daycare

Sure, they like each other now...

One cool dude!

Checking out the big fire at Holden's house

Watching basketball with Dada

Playing trains with Holden

Enjoying cake

On the days we are inside, Cooper has shown that he (sometimes) likes to color.

Next up - G.G. and PopPop come to town!