Monday, July 25, 2011

The heat is on!

Given the current heat wave, we've spent our days and nights hanging inside the cool a/c, or enjoying the water.  Here are some recent pictures.

Playing "mercy" with Pops

Enjoying the links at Camp Green Lane

Finally getting in the pool!

The Gershman boys take CPK!

I love my hands!

It's slip and slide time!

"Chatting" with GG

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

We had a great long weekend, celebrating (in Cooper's words) America's birthday.  Lots of swimming and BBQ, as Uncle Sam intended!

Parker and GG

Clare and Cooper clowning around

With the American flag

Having fun with Dada at the pool

And Mama too!

The family on the 4th

Our little M&M