Monday, December 13, 2010

Cooper's birthday party

We were recently crazy enough to host Cooper's third birthday party, and invite all of his classmates and friends.  In all, there were 17 kids in attendance.  Fortunately, we did NOT host this at our house.  Here are some pictures from the party.

Our birthday king

His very own balloon!

The music class
Riding in the parachute 

Fun under the parachute

With his birthday cupcake

Snack time!

Controlled chaos

Resting with his friend Taylor

After the party, we went back to the house to eat and open some presents.  Yay!


Thanks to everyone for such a great day!


Hanukkah came early this year, but Cooper was very excited nonetheless.  He "sang" the Hebrew blessings with us as we lit the candles, and then got to open one "surprise" each night.  Very fun!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


We were fortunate to have all the G family together for Thanksgiving! 

Cooper showing off his gift to G.G. and Pops - pictures of himself! 

One of many attempts at a family portrait

Reading a book before dinner

The big gender reveal....

We're having another boy!

The table at Scott and Jodi's house

The gracious hosts

Some pictures back at our house

Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!

November fun!

We had a somewhat quiet November.

It started with Cooper helping out with chores,

Followed by a quick nap.

We went with Scott and Jodi to a swank "molecular gastronomy" restaurant,

where we ate things that looked like this:

Just before Thanksgiving, we headed up to New York to visit Lorraine's parents and get some pictures with Charlotte.