Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Last weekend, we were up in NY for Michelle's baby shower. Unfortunately, we didn't take a single picture on our camera, so we have nothing to share with you yet.

However, today is Halloween! As usual, Miss Ria went all out for the kids. (All of these pictures were taken at her house and in her backyard.)

Gourmet cupcakes made by Ria's husband

Taylor is not happy with her pumpkin costume

All 4 kids inside

Here's Max the farmer.

On the swings. Edward was a frog.

Our happy dinosaur!!!

In action - chasing the ball!

Cooper and Taylor hugging on Ria's lap.
Trick or treating with Daddy this evening.

Hope you all had a great day!

Monday, October 20, 2008

October Days

It's been a busy few weeks. Cooper battled a month long ear infection, and Lorraine had a serious bout of strep as well. We're all on the mend, and have been busy enjoying the fall weather.

Heading out to dinner to meet Kris and her son, Dylan.

Dylan wasn't sure what to make of us. Cooper was excited to meet a new friend!
Sticking his tongue out for the camera
Playing with the roll of toilet paper

Our little dinosaur, enjoying a goldfish cracker

Fun with Mommy

Daddy, I'm not a big fan of this hood!

Enjoying a crisp fall weekend outside at Daddy's football game

Looks like we might have a quarterback on our hands!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A day with Grandma G

Grandma G came in to play with Cooper last weekend. We had such fun, playing and eating and playing some more. Here's how I spent my Sunday...

C is for Cooper

What's up here?

Busted - you got me!

Smile! (Note the train outfit for Grandpa K)

This lemon is yummy!

Chatting with Grandpa G

At now at the park....


These are yummy!

Hi Mommy! I see you!

Cooper deciding he'd rather eat grass than smile


I love to swing!

This is fun!

I love you Grandma!