Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Cleaning

As we gear up for the arrival of Cooper's baby brother, Cooper has been pitching in around the house.  He also got his first dental cleaning as well.  And now, almost everything is clean  - except our storage room. Don't look there!

Washing dishes

Cleaning out the fridge

Checking out his teeth

Hello, Mr. Vacuum!

Enjoying the cleaning

And showing off his clean new M&M shirt!

Spring Break!

We all were able to spend some time enjoying spring break.  Cooper spent a week in Florida with the Gershmans, and Alex and Lorraine got away to Atlantic City for a few days.  Here are some pictures from our trips:

Enjoying a fountain

In a new car seat

In the pool at GG and Pops'

Sink bath

Coming home to Mama

Enjoying the (indoor) beach

A toast to us