Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April fun!

When we're not visiting family on the weekends, we pack them full of fun! And we love daylight savings, since we now get to play in the backyard after work/school!

At Q's pirate party, being silly with Mommy

Enjoying cake and chips with pirate Dada

Enjoying a break from shoe shopping with Grandma G

Having a conversation with Dada over cheese puffs

Running in my new sneakers, courtesy of Grandma G

Modeling my new cap, while eating a peach

Driving in my cozy coupe

Playing peekaboo with Dada


Admiring? the pretty tulips

Enjoying some sand from my new sand table

Boo! I found you!

Many more adventures to come!


The Krupa and Gershman families met up in Orlando for a lovely wedding of one of Lorraine's cousins. Cooper got to come along, and say hello.

Pointing out a plane to Dada

With Mommy and Grandma K by the very cold pool

The 3 Gershmans, before Cooper went up to bed

The Krupas, after Cooper went up to bed

The female cousins

Cooper enjoying a bath with Grandpa G

Mommy and Dada all dressed up for the wedding

The beautiful bride Katie and her groom Mark

We're so glad we all got to take part in the wedding weekend!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Surprise! Happy Easter!

We had a relatively low-key Easter weekend planned in Virginia, when Lorraine decided she'd like to surprise her parents in New York. After a hastily-packed car, off we headed through much traffic in New Jersey. The payoff was worth it, as neither Grandma nor Grandpa knew we were coming. An added bonus was that Doug, Michelle and Charlotte came over on Saturday. We managed to take a few pictures before our camera battery died (see hastily-packed above).

Cooper checking out Charlotte in Grandma's arms

Trying to kiss Charlotte

Spending time with baby Charlotte.

Doug showing off Charlotte's Easter dress

Attempts at Cooper/Charlotte pictures

So serious!

The kids - all looking in different directions

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandchildren

Stopping to say hi to the Easter bunny

Having fun with Grandpa and the fan

Here's hoping everyone else got more pictures!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cousins invasion!

Last weekend, much of Alex's extended family invaded DC for an impromptu family reunion. Good times were had by all!
Hanging out at the house on Saturday -
Michelle, Alison, Lorraine

Grandpa G, Scott, Alex, Cooper, Mark, Art

Mark, Arthur, Rita, Scott

Jeremy, Jodi, Michelle, Dad

What family reunion is complete without a visit to the mall food court?

Sunday morning, the kids (and parents) were up early -

Ben, Connor and Joy

Play time for Cooper and Zia

And Connor too!

Grandma G and Cooper

Alison, Zia, and Jeremy

Now that the weather was nice, time for some fun outdoors!

Ben, Jason, and Cooper

The boys (and parents)


Grandpa and Cooper
Michelle, Ben, Jason, Arthur

Once it was nap time, it was time for Guitar Hero!

And then some cake for Jack's birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Have I mentioned that Cooper loves cake?!
Bonding with Connor in the ball pit

Family bonding over KFC

A Gershman family shot

We can't wait until the next family get together!