Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall festival

Last weekend, we headed to a big fall festival. There were lots of slides, and animals, and things to see. And the weather was beautiful as well!

Checking out the cows with Dada

Heading down the volcano slide...

Cooper was not a big fan of this slide.

So off we went to the smaller frog slide...

Which was a big hit!

Then we stopped to eat an apple.


After that, we played in a "corn" box

Horsing around with Dada and eating popcorn

Checking out the pigs

Oink, oink!

An attempt at a picture with Dada...

And one with Mama.

Oh well, better luck next time!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Labor Day!

Grandma G, now known as "G.G.", and Pop Pop came in for a quick visit over Labor Day. We spent lots of time together - some of it working, some of it playing.

With Pop Pop on the carousel

Modeling my rain boots

Eating popcorn with Mama

Enjoying the moon bounce with Dada

Yum, snow cone!

Break time!
Showing off my new mitt from Pop Pop

And cheese time...

A new haircut for Cooper...

And one for Mama too!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

And we're back!

Sorry for the month-long picture drought - Mama's been "sick". Recovering from a tonsillectomy is no fun! But we're slowly getting back to normal, and life has gone on. Here is what some of us have been doing in August.

Throwing tantrums...yes, we're approaching 2

Building toilet paper towers

Enjoying the ball-shooting sprinkler

Showing off our drawing skills to Aunt Jodi

One cool dude!

Showing my car to Grandma

Cheese! Our attempts at pictures with a squirmy Cooper

Playing with my trains - thanks again, Ben and Jason!

Pointing out the "o" in Mama's "Get well soon" balloon

Stacking rings with Grandma

Watching Elmo on the laptop

Thanks Grandma and Pop-pop for playing with me while Mama was sick!

We did finally all leave the house, to visit Clare and Jim's new house and community pool.
Climbing the stairs

Blowing bubbles in the kiddie pool


Hope you all had a happy August!!!