Sunday, June 26, 2011

Father's Day

We celebrated Father's Day a week late here, joining with Lorraine's parents and Aunt Bebe and Uncle Larry.  And, of course, it's time for an attempt at family photos.  Here are the best of the bunch.

June smiles

As the weather has gotten hotter here, we've also gotten more smiles from Parker.  Here are some of the best recent faces of Parker!

Having a conversation with Mama

On a walk with Dada

Florida weekend

A few weeks back, we all flew down to Florida to celebrate Uncle Scott's 30th birthday.  Lots of fun for all! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The busy weekend

We were busy this past weekemd, with swim lessons, dining out, and birthday parties.  Here were the highlights.

Clowning around

Snoozing at the park

The boys enjoying lunch

Swim lesson

No fear

At the birthday party

Enjoying the party fun

Our whirling dervish

Relaxing at home

New York

For Memorial Day weekend, we traveled up to NY for a family wedding, and got to see lots of family. The boys did fairly well, although extra pit stops were necessary!

The family out for pizza

The beautiful family wedding

Our 11th wedding anniversary!

The godparents and Parker

The grandparents and Parker

The happy parents

Cooper and Charlotte having fun

Charlotte kissing Parker hello

The grandparents and all 3 grandkids at bed time