Sunday, September 21, 2008

The end of summer

The end of summer might be here, but we've been busy hanging out and playing (when we're not home sick, that is!).

Meeting new friends at Mateo's house

Chillin' with Dad, drinking my sippy cup

Climbing the stairs (with Daddy ready to catch me!)

Look who's at the top of the stairs!

Daddy pushing me on my new truck

Eating a whole tortilla at dinner!

Who put this gate here?

Grandpa K teaching me all about power tools!

Playing at Tysons

Fun with Grandma K's rollers in bed!

Throwing the ball - to myself!

Hello there, you handsome fellow!

Crusin' in the living room

Laughing at Grandma K ...

who just took my brush away!

Our big boy Cooper!

The sickies!

September has been rough on Cooper. He's had 2 colds so far. The first one was mostly a runny nose, and Grandma Nurse G was on hand to help out. The second one was a 24-hour bug, which resulted in a 103 degree fever. Here's our patient -

These should help my runny nose:

Oh, I'm supposed to blow into this?

Is it hot in here, or just me?

I just want my mommy!

This chicken soup really hit the spot!