Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy "Valentime's" Day

Well, at least according to Cooper!  We had a fun time at a Valentine's Day party that was held at a nature center, and also a birthday party and a visit from Grandma and Pop Pop!

Cooper hanging out in a treehouse

Checking out the microscope

Playing balloon baseball with Dad

Alex had a blast at the party!

Resting after the party

Here's Lorraine at 30 weeks

Playing fireman with PopPop

Enjoying a cupcake

Enjoying the Melting Pot


Thanks for another fun visit!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


A few weeks ago, Cooper had surgery to correct his strabismus (lazy eye), much like his Daddy did 30 years ago.  While it was a rough day, Cooper was a trooper, and has recovered very nicely.  We spent some time laying low, but are now back to our normal activities.

Rocking out on the drums at a birthday party

Modeling his glasses one last time

Watching TV before surgery in the hospital

Recovering with GG

Our first trip out after surgery - to the train store!

Venturing out in the snow with Daddy

Using the ramp at bowling

Zooming around the room on a trike...

On a scooter with Daddy

And marching in a parade!